Saturday, September 29, 2007

Skate Night?

a couple of the indoor parks up here (national, cream city) have special "old man" sessions. any interrest in a skate night?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Catherine's been jumped in..

welcome to the first female to "man-up" (this is slightly unfair concidering we never asked Eunice, Megan, or Bekah to go with us)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Now see, isn't this nice

I love the recent flourish of activity, I had honestly contemplating announcing a time of death for this fucking thing. Also, Congrats go to Tim ($oap) Atwell for finally getting the word pussy up on the board, It's been a long time coming.

Oh your going to want to check this one out too...

Hannah Linden

Clothing made out of the insides of animals

Pinar Yolacan


Saturday, September 22, 2007


I will be flying into Milwaukee on Monday, Nov. 19. I propose a AOTU/SOTN Pow Wow/Ice Cream Social sometime between then and the 27th. Rock and roll-tutti and frutti.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Those are some fucked up pictures. Quit being a pussy and cowboy the fuck up. I want to see blood next time. So quit wasting my time. OH and I'm down for dominos tomorrow in Beloit. WORD!

$oap & Xeke on the horn

lets DO this shit

Justin Quinn

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Soooooo. What's going on in Whitewater?

anything? Or Rockford?....... or Janesville maybe?

Friday, September 7, 2007

Shitty day, needed a laugh.

Black metal - Metal + the color red= clowns

Yesterday I was hit by a Car

Last night around 8:00 a car made an unsignaled turn at the corner of St. Clair and Russel and hit me. The car hit my right leg causing me to flip over the hood and smash the windshield with my back and shoulder. The worst part is That I'll probably never know who did it. While on the ground The guy kept repeating to me that he can stay, and that he'd give me cash to not call the cops. When I refused and told him I needed help he took off. I have no idea what color or make the car is, the license plate number or anything.. He was gone before I even really knew what was going on. Thankfully two people from the corner bar called the cops. The only thing anyone knows is that his name is Justin and he's got a car with a broken windshield. As for me, I was taken via ambulance to the hospital where they removed the bits of glass from my back and arms. My front fork and both rims are trashed. Physically I'm o.k., but mentally I'm a bit shaken, as I could have just as easily died.
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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Base humor and industrial supplies

I came across this at work today. I think it's pretty much a ready-made album cover

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

random cedar river pic's (1)

dragon face

Bekah, Eunice, and Megan

Zach & Held @ Hip Hop Horses

Everyone (except Chelsea & Bekah) by the fire
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Held and Eric Collide

From the video it looks like Held pushes Eric off of the box. It would have been way cooler if they started fighting and the shirtless launch ramp heshers that ruled the park had to break it up. (for an explanation go to . I provide the douchey laughter at the end.

Photo's with tri-color led flash

Eric & Cherry
Mike (aka Baby, aka Baby Larry)

I have more of Bekah, Megan, and myself. I may post them later.

Aqua Soxxx-xxxx- Jus' Spritz'n

Esky Banger bout to tear the club up. Real-time-raw-ass hip hop out soon on Scream of the Narwhal. yea yeah

We're Back from our U.P. (the claw) Vay-Cay

Pics coming soon.