Hey-I just posted this on my blog but I wanted to make sure that ya'll would get the message especially. Beyond your participation I was hoping somebody might be willing to try to coordinate something in Wisconsin to record people if they don't have a camera (though now that I think about it, everybody has a camera phone nowadays and those do video right?)
Anyways-please help.
"Hi everyone. I would like to enlist your help on a project of mine. I am going to try to put together a tribute video consisting of as many video messages to Joey Ramone as I can get. Won’t you please participate?
I was thinking that you could either speak your message to the camera or simply hold a letter to the screen for a couple of minutes or, you know, if you had another idea-go ahead.
I ‘ll set up a time here to record anybody who wants. Otherwise you can send your video to me @: A Love Letter to Joey Ramone; 149 S. Daniel Morgan Ave. APT A; Spartanburg, SC 29306 or email it to me @: nicholasdowgwillo@gmail.com
Thank you."
1 comment:
super-good idea. I can record those who do not have a camera if needed.
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