Thursday, June 28, 2007

Scream of the Narwhal news

The mass relocation of S.O.T.N. players, coinciding with the loss of the basement practice space, has, shaken but not deterred the onward march of hypothetical releases.

Mr. Fusion- year one (sotn0001)
will finally see the light of day July 3rd featuring custom packaging for the first ten (get em' while there sooo hot)

Bill and Eric's impossibly named project (involving kittens and ponys)
will hopefully record a split with Mr. fusion by September.

The Winter Beards / I am an asteroid, this is a tiger
are on hiatus, but will hopefully resurface as through the mail collaborations (seeing as the members now live in three separate cities).

other possible releases:

Grand Maul
Offended by rainbows (working title)

Operations have been moved to Bill and Joe's den of equipment, so things should start picking up soon.

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