Sunday, July 1, 2007

How to swindle an overbooked, poorly run metal festival

step one: arrive in the small town, in this case Hartland Wisconsin, full of excitement and optimism.

step two: watch your enthusiasm plummet when you find out that the eight hour festival is single entry. meaning NO RE-ENTRY. This means that if you want to step outside the sweat box for air food or a smoke you can't, unless you want to continually re-pay the 17.00 ticket price.

step three. argue pointlessly about the absurdity of this policy with the fifteen-year-olds guarding the door.

step four. complain to your arriving friends about "this bullshit".

step five. realize that by standing next to the entry door you can both see and hear the bands comfortably for free.

step six. when security approaches say "I'm just waiting to go in".

step seven. watch, with glee, three of your favorite bands (hewhocorrupts put it down as usual) while avoiding heatstroke and the swinging fists of tight-panted children.

note: follow Joe and Brian's lead and brown bag MD20/20 for added fun.

enjoy, and try to avoid Robotmoshfest until they come to their senses.

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