Monday, August 20, 2007

Born To Late

So metal summer is slowly giving way to thud-rock fall with a slight detour in late 80's thrash crossover revival. This is primarily due to an article in decibel coupled with a wikipedia reading-frenzy. I find my self obsessed with late 60's- to - early 70's drug rock. Why? several reasons.

1.) By listening to Atomic Rooster, Armageddon, and High Tide you can actually HEAR the hippie dream dying months before the hells angels sealed the deal at altamont.
2.) Dust features a pre-Marky Ramone Marc Bell (this reminds me, everyone should participate in nich's project from the last post.)
3.) Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac= Fucking bat- shit lunacy helmed by a future schizophrenic
Lindsey Buckingham era Fleetwood Mac= akin to eating a sensible meal, and going to bed before 10:00pm.
4.) Some benefits of drug use can be simulated by sitting in the dark with headphones on and pressing your eyeballs really hard.
5.) Only era where Anglos could freely sport a big curly "Afro" without it seeming like a marketing tool directed at hip suburban youth.
6.) Total metal cliche, but Lemmy's in like half of the greatest bands ever. also, makes face-obstructing growths "cool"/tolerable to women. (I wad a wart on my nose as a child and was unaware of this)


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